Friday, March 16, 2007

I don't shit in your conference room

Dear Guy in the bathroom stall next to mine,

What alternate reality do you live in that it is acceptible to answer your cell phone while you're dropping the Cosby kids off at the pool? It is bad enough when I hear your thumbs feverishly pecking away at your Blackberry keypad. It was worse when I heard your cell phone ringing. It was the worst when you actually answered it. Even if the balance of the world rested on you taking that call (which I'm pretty sure it didn't) I don't want you talking while I'm trying not to blow an O ring. Seriously, the next time someone decides that the bathroom is the appropriate place for a phone call I'm going to put my palms up to my mouth and blow the loudest raspberry I can possibly muster. Let's see you explain that one to Bob in accounting.



PS - You're a prick.

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