Thursday, March 8, 2007

Oh Calvin, What R U IN2 Now?

Prepare to throw up a little bit.

According to the New York Times, Calvin Klein has developed a new fragrance line, which they call as distinct from CK One as "red and yellow." Personally, I think CK One is a great fragrance, but I have my questions about their new line, which has been heinously dubbed CKIN2U.

From the article:

“We have envisioned this as the first fragrance for the technosexual generation,” said Mr. Murry, using a term the company made up to describe its intended audience of thumb-texting young people whose romantic lives are defined in part by the casual hookup.

Last year, the company went so far as to trademark “technosexual,” anticipating it could become a buzzword for marketing to millennials, the roughly 80 million Americans born from 1982 to 1995. A typical line from the press materials for CK in2u goes like this: “She likes how he blogs, her texts turn him on. It’s intense. For right now.”

In the marketing company's infinite wisdom, they have also launched a Web site, appropriately enough, called where you use drop down menus to define yourself. It's one part Myspace one part YouTube. I call it YourSpace, because I don't want to be there.

You can be a himilayan, sci-fi, sparkling water drinking, in-style, socialite. Or you can be a hip-hop, sporty, bare-foot, outdoors coffee-drinker. Or you can just be turned-off by the entire thing.

Seriously marketers, when will you learn? Anyone that is stupid enough to get sucked into your campaign is probably the type of person that doesn't shower, let alone wear cologne or perfume. And don't get me started with the term technosexual, it conjures images of hairy 400 lbs men in sweat stained t-shirts pretending to be lesbians online.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Worst idea ever. @CK: We don't care about Cate Moss. We don't care about you. We do like texting and blogging, but we are not stupid enough to associate them with a fragrance. You are stretching! It shows that your brand is losing steam and that people of our generation aren't going to carry it for you. Cheers!